Serve / Support
Through the generosity of individuals such as yourself, Tres Dias has been providing transformative weekends in the Tri-State for over 36 years. Whether serving on a team, volunteering your time to serve a meal, providing financial support, being on a prayer vigil, or providing palanca, we thank you for your decision to support Tres Dias. We have been called to be the hands and feet of Christ and what a wonderful feeling it is to know that you have worked with God to help impact the lives of so many men and women who have had their relationships with Christ strengthened as a result of their Tres Dias weekends! If you feel so called, we pray that you will continue to help support the Tres Dias community in the way God is calling you to using the talents and abilities He has blessed you with. Below are just a few ways you can serve.

Financial Support
Your financial support goes to providing food on the weekends, paying for the Sarto retreat facility, as well as scholarships for candidates and team members.
All monetary donations can be made by check payable to “Tri-State Tres Dias” and can be mailed to:
Info coming soon.
Serving Meals, Snack Table, Providing Table Palanca
Please contact the Head Warden of the weekend you’d like to help serve. You can find the team members’ names by going to the weekend’s page located on the main page.
Prayer Vigil
Please contact the Assistant Rector/a of the weekend you’d like to join the prayer vigil for. You can find the team members’ names by going to the weekend’s page located on the main page.
Please check for the availability of online signups for the prayer vigil for specific weekends. Online signups may not always be available for a weekend.
Please contact the Palanca Chairman of the weekend you’d like to provide palanca for. You can find the team members’ names by going to the weekend’s page located on the main page.